How To Identify A Rare £10 Notes: Serial Numbers That Could Be Worth Hundreds

If you happen to have a £10 note in your wallet, there’s a chance it could be worth far more than just its face value. While most £10 notes are of typical value, certain ones—based on their serial numbers—are highly sought after by collectors. Here’s how you can identify whether you have a rare note on your hands and potentially make some extra money.

Why Are Serial Numbers So Important?

Every £10 note has a unique serial number that plays a key role in determining its value to collectors. You can find the serial number on the front of the note, just below the £10 value and beneath the portrait of the monarch. These numbers may seem like a random sequence, but some combinations have special significance that makes them more valuable to collectors.

Rare £10 Notes to Look For

While there are many £10 notes in circulation, only a few will catch the eye of collectors. Here are some of the most valuable serial numbers to look out for:

Jane Austen-Themed £10 Notes

In 2017, the Bank of England introduced the £10 note featuring the image of famous English author Jane Austen. Collectors have since taken a particular interest in notes with serial numbers linked to significant events in Austen’s life. These include:

  • 16 121775: Representing Jane Austen’s birth date—December 16, 1775.
  • 18 071817: Representing the date of her death—July 18, 1817.
  • 17 751817: A combination of both her birth and death dates.
  • 28 011813: Commemorating the publication date of her most famous novel, Pride and Prejudice, on January 28, 1813.

If you happen to find any of these serial numbers, your note could be worth far more than its £10 face value.

James Bond and AK47 Notes

Another highly prized series of notes includes those with special themes. For example, 007-themed notes, featuring the iconic British spy’s number, or notes with the serial number AK47, referring to the famous assault rifle, are also in demand. These unique sequences appeal to both collectors of currency and enthusiasts of pop culture.

Consecutive Serial Numbers

Some collectors are particularly interested in notes with consecutive serial numbers, such as AA12345. A set of consecutive numbers from the first batch of notes can add to a note’s rarity and value, making these an attractive prospect for collectors.

What Are the Most Sought-After Notes?

While Jane Austen’s £10 notes are among the most valuable, they are not the only ones that might fetch a significant amount. The following types of notes are also in high demand:

  • Low Serial Numbers: The first few notes from any batch, often identified by serial numbers like AA01 000001, are considered highly collectible. These can be worth thousands due to their uniqueness.
  • AA Serial Numbers: Notes with AA prefixes, including £5 notes, are particularly popular. This is due to the rarity of combinations such as AA01, which could indicate the first note printed in a batch.

Notes That Will Never Enter Circulation

Not all rare notes are available for public purchase. When new notes are issued, the Bank of England often donates important low serial numbers to those involved in their creation. For example, the £5 note featuring Winston Churchill was given to the Churchill War Rooms with the serial number AA01 001945, commemorating the end of World War II. The Queen received AA01 000001, the first note of its kind.

How to Make Money from Your Rare Note

If you find a rare £10 note in your possession, there’s a good chance it could be worth much more than its face value. In recent years, rare notes have sold for eye-catching amounts at auction.

For instance, in October 2016, a £5 note with the lowest serial number available to the public, AA01000017, fetched £4,150. In 2023, another £5 note sold for an astounding £16,000. This demonstrates just how valuable low serial number notes can be.

To check how much your note might be worth, you can browse auction websites like eBay. By filtering for “completed and sold items,” you can see what similar notes have sold for, helping you gauge its potential value.


A simple £10 note may be worth far more than you think. By keeping an eye on serial numbers and looking out for specific combinations that hold historical or cultural significance, you can uncover rare notes that are highly coveted by collectors. Whether it’s a Jane Austen-themed note, a James Bond-inspired serial number, or a set of consecutive digits, your £10 note could turn out to be a hidden treasure. Happy hunting!

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