Parents of Lancaster crash victim react to dropped charges

Parents of Lancaster crash victim react to dropped charges

The family of a teenager from Lancaster who was tragically killed in a car accident in 2022 has responded to the recent decision made by a judge to dismiss the indictment on criminally negligent homicide charges against the driver.

Acting Erie County Court Judge Carrie Phillips has granted the defense motion to dismiss the case against Ryan Stencel, the driver of the car involved in the fatal crash on Warner Road in March 2022. The crash resulted in the tragic deaths of 19-year-old passengers Makenzie Mycek and Molly Kaminski.

According to prosecutors, Stencel was accused of acting recklessly, leading to the tragic deaths of his two passengers.

The credit for the image goes to WKBW.

Kris and Toni Kaminski, Molly’s parents, expressed their thoughts in a statement following the judge’s ruling on Thursday.

“All the technicalities and lawyers in the world don’t change the fact that Ryan Stencel was responsible for the deaths of Molly and Makenzie and showed no concern for their lives as they burned to death in front of him. He was up on his feet and talking; he never once said their names, never mentioned he had passengers in the car at all.

He knew then what he did and he knows now what he did. He needs to live with that shame regardless of today’s outcome, as do those who worked to help him avoid any kind of accountability.

We appreciate the continued fight for justice for Molly and Kenzie from the Erie County D.A.’s office. Please honor Molly and Kenzie’s memories by stressing to young drivers to value the lives of their passengers and the importance of not driving recklessly.”

Acting Erie County District Attorney Michael Keane expressed his disagreement with Judge Phillips’ ruling, stating that he strongly disagreed with the decision. Furthermore, Keane confirmed that his office will be filing an appeal with the Fourth Judicial Aplpellate Division.

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Jan McDonald – Managing Partner Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jan McDonald relocated to the Demopolis area in 1991. Over the years, she has built an extensive career as a journalist and freelance writer, contributing her talents to various news outlets across Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Alabama. With her wealth of experience in journalism, Jan has honed her skills in reporting, writing, and storytelling, making her a versatile and respected voice in the field. As Managing Partner of The Watchman, Jan plays a crucial role in overseeing and producing editorial content for the publication. Her responsibilities include curating stories, ensuring high-quality journalism, and managing the day-to-day operations of the editorial team. Jan's dedication to maintaining the integrity of The Watchman's reporting, combined with her deep connection to the community, allows her to guide the publication with both passion and expertise.
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