Tommy Tuberville issues a warning that there will be consequences if Congress fails to pass a contentious voting bill

Tommy Tuberville issues a warning that there will be consequences if Congress fails to pass a contentious voting bill

According to U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville, a Republican from Alabama, there will be serious consequences if Congress fails to pass a bill aimed at preventing undocumented immigrants from voting, even though it is already being illegal. He emphasized the urgency and importance of this controversial legislation.

During a press conference, Tuberville, along with four other Republican senators, emphasized the importance of passing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

Alabama’s senior senator expressed concern about the need to ensure fair elections and guaranteeing the satisfaction of the American people with the outcome, regardless of which party wins. He emphasized that failure to do so could have serious consequences for the country. The senator also expressed his embarrassment as a long-time taxpayer, highlighting the lack of control over the election system compared to other aspects of governance.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, it is both illegal and extremely rare for undocumented immigrants to vote in American elections.

According to Sean Morales Doyle of the Brennan Center, numerous studies have consistently shown that noncitizen voting in state and federal elections is extremely rare. The Brennan Center’s own study  on 42 jurisdictions in the 2016 general election found that out of 23.5 million votes, election officials only referred approximately 30 incidents of suspected noncitizen voting for further investigation or prosecution. It’s important to note that these were suspected, not proven, cases, and they accounted for just 0.0001 percent of the total votes cast.

Critics argue that the bill imposes additional obstacles for American citizens to exercise their right to vote by mandating the submission of proof of citizenship.

According to the League of Women Voters, Americans should not face additional barriers when it comes to voting. Instead of advancing this legislation, Congress should focus on safeguarding voters in this crucial election year by enhancing protections against voting discrimination and improving access to the ballot.

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Jan McDonald – Managing Partner Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jan McDonald relocated to the Demopolis area in 1991. Over the years, she has built an extensive career as a journalist and freelance writer, contributing her talents to various news outlets across Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Alabama. With her wealth of experience in journalism, Jan has honed her skills in reporting, writing, and storytelling, making her a versatile and respected voice in the field. As Managing Partner of The Watchman, Jan plays a crucial role in overseeing and producing editorial content for the publication. Her responsibilities include curating stories, ensuring high-quality journalism, and managing the day-to-day operations of the editorial team. Jan's dedication to maintaining the integrity of The Watchman's reporting, combined with her deep connection to the community, allows her to guide the publication with both passion and expertise.
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