If you receive a message regarding an incorrect deposit in your bank account, it might indicate that your financial information is being targeted by a new scam making its way through New York.
State Police have recently reported incidents in which scammers cunningly trick individuals by falsely claiming that money has been deposited into their accounts or that unauthorized charges have been made.
Scammers can send you deceptive links that, when clicked, give them unauthorized access to your computer. With this access, they can manipulate your account and withdraw funds without your consent.
If you think you have been targeted by this scam, it is crucial to contact your financial institution right away and get in touch with NYSP.
Troopers warn that withdrawing cash from your bank for someone else to collect is also considered a scam. Exercise caution when approached with such requests.
According to a release by the NYSP, individuals are advised not to withdraw money or transfer funds if they receive a phone call or online request asking them to do so. In such cases, it is recommended to contact the State Police immediately.
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