State legislator in Alabama reintroduces bill to prohibit the use of Glock switches

Glock switches are known for their ability to enable guns to fire multiple rounds within a few seconds. However, they also present a challenge in terms of control. Law enforcement officials have characterized these devices as effectively transforming handguns into machine guns, thereby increasing their lethality.

Ensler is taking action by sponsoring a new bill in the upcoming legislative session to pass a state law prohibiting Glock switches. He acknowledges that this measure will not completely eliminate shootings, but firmly believes that it will contribute to saving lives.

According to Ensler, the discovery of Glock switches by the police has become a recurring issue. He emphasizes that these switches significantly increase the danger posed by guns. With the switch installed, pulling the trigger can result in bullets being sprayed in multiple directions, leading to severe harm and loss of life.

The House bill that has been proposed aims to prohibit the possession of pistols or any components that are specifically created or intended to transform a pistol into a machine gun. According to the bill, a machine gun is defined as a firearm that is capable of shooting automatically, multiple rounds, without the need for manual reloading, with just a single pull of the trigger. This definition also encompasses any frame, receiver, or combination of parts that are designed to convert a weapon into a machine gun.

The bill, as it stands now, would classify the possession of a Glock switch as a Class C felony.

The bill garnered backing from various law enforcement agencies, just as it had when Ensler proposed a similar bill in the previous session. The previous bill successfully cleared the House and was placed on the Senate calendar, but unfortunately, it never reached the voting stage.

The aim of Ensler is to pass it through both chambers during the next year’s session.

Other agencies, both local and federal, have also taken steps to combat the use of Glock switches. One notable effort is the Justice Department’s Operation Flip the Switch, which aims to prioritize prosecutions for individuals who have been federally indicted for possessing Glock switches.

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Jan McDonald – Managing Partner Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jan McDonald relocated to the Demopolis area in 1991. Over the years, she has built an extensive career as a journalist and freelance writer, contributing her talents to various news outlets across Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Alabama. With her wealth of experience in journalism, Jan has honed her skills in reporting, writing, and storytelling, making her a versatile and respected voice in the field. As Managing Partner of The Watchman, Jan plays a crucial role in overseeing and producing editorial content for the publication. Her responsibilities include curating stories, ensuring high-quality journalism, and managing the day-to-day operations of the editorial team. Jan's dedication to maintaining the integrity of The Watchman's reporting, combined with her deep connection to the community, allows her to guide the publication with both passion and expertise.