Surge in illnesses among children observed by pediatricians at the start of the school year

Surge in illnesses among children observed by pediatricians at the start of the school year Surge in illnesses among children observed by pediatricians at the start of the school year

According to pediatricians, the usual time frame for seeing sick children is from October to March. However, this year, there has been a significant increase in sick children presenting earlier, and one pediatrician has a clear explanation for this.

According to Dr. Marshall, this is not just a problem in west Alabama, but a widespread issue across the country. With children returning to school and being exposed to germs and viruses, it’s no surprise that COVID, sinus infections, the sniffles, and the flu have become common occurrences.

According to Dr. Marshall, there is no need to be alarmed about the earlier occurrence of these events. While they may be unusual, they are not necessarily more severe than what we typically experience.

Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly for 20 seconds is a simple yet effective way to lower the risk of getting sick.

According to Dr. Marshall, the temperature of the water is not as important as ensuring that both sides of the hands and the area under the fingernails are thoroughly scrubbed. To make the handwashing process more enjoyable, she suggests singing a song such as “Happy Birthday” while washing for a duration of 20 seconds.

According to the CDC, taking the time and effort to wash your hands is highly beneficial in preventing the spread of germs.

Dr. Marshall emphasized that approximately 50% of pediatric illnesses resulting in hospitalization could have been avoided.

According to Dr. Marshall, it is crucial for both adults and children to get their flu shots at this time in order to stay prepared. Even babies as young as six months old are eligible to receive the flu vaccine.

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