Montgomery resident receives sentence for various crimes including abduction and sexual assault of woman

Montgomery resident receives sentence for various crimes including abduction and sexual assault of woman

A Montgomery man has been handed a 60-year prison sentence for his involvement in a series of crimes, which included the abduction and sexual assault of a woman in 2018.

District Attorney Daryl Bailey has announced that L’Derrick Purnell has pleaded guilty for his involvement in several crimes. Alongside two co-defendants, Purnell was charged with four armed robberies and the theft of two cars.

Purnell’s co-defendants, Lacorey Fuller and Jasper Wright, made a plea deal and agreed to testify against him. As a result, Fuller received a 20-year sentence, and Wright was given 30 years.

Montgomery District Attorney, John Bailey, expressed his strong condemnation of the actions committed by the three violent criminals, labeling them as vile, heinous, and disgusting. He expressed pride in his office’s collaboration with the Montgomery Police Department, which resulted in bringing justice to the innocent victim and removing these individuals from the streets. Bailey acknowledged the difficulty of prosecuting sexual assault cases and the lasting impact they have on the lives of the victims.

“These three criminals will serve lengthy prison sentences, aimed at aiding the victim’s healing process. I express my gratitude to Judge Griffin for his decisive rulings, which convey a clear message – those who engage in violent crimes within Montgomery County will face apprehension, conviction, and imprisonment.”

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Jan McDonald – Managing Partner Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jan McDonald relocated to the Demopolis area in 1991. Over the years, she has built an extensive career as a journalist and freelance writer, contributing her talents to various news outlets across Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Alabama. With her wealth of experience in journalism, Jan has honed her skills in reporting, writing, and storytelling, making her a versatile and respected voice in the field. As Managing Partner of The Watchman, Jan plays a crucial role in overseeing and producing editorial content for the publication. Her responsibilities include curating stories, ensuring high-quality journalism, and managing the day-to-day operations of the editorial team. Jan's dedication to maintaining the integrity of The Watchman's reporting, combined with her deep connection to the community, allows her to guide the publication with both passion and expertise.